Friday, January 6, 2012


I've never had hives in my whole life. Didn't know what they looked liked, or what they even felt like. Well, this last week I had the experience of having hives.

I woke up one morning just itching like crazy. I didn't know why. I figured it was an allergic reaction to a medication, and the medication said get to the doctor as soon as possible if you are experienceing itching so I did, and that's when they told me I had "hives." We tried to find the culprit, but we couldn't.

Finally, I remembered I hadn't taken my allergy medicince for 2 weeks, because I ran out and we couldn't go get it. We were able to go get it a few days latter and the hives went a way. I think it comes down to that I am allergic to my cats, and if I'm not on my allergy medicine I will break out in hives now.

So the moral to the story is, If you are on allergy medicine don't stop it. Stay on it. Find a way to keep getting it, because it isn't worth the pain and suffering you will go through if you don't stay on the allergy medicine you nee to be on.

Have a wonderful week.

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