Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Blessings Will Come

Our Amazing Children
 I don't know if you read my blog or not, but these are my five amazing children.  I came into this family with two amazing teenage daugthers and  two amazing sons coming into their teenage years. I love my children here, but I also long for the day that I will have my own child and carry it to term, and have that experience of raising a child from birth to adulthood.

My neice was just able to adopt a baby. They had been going through the adoption process between six months and a year. Their baby was born two weeks early. Yesterday, was their baby's susposped to be birthday. Terra told me it was a bitter sweet day, because yesterday the mom gave up her rights to her baby so that Terra could have the baby she had been praying so much for.  Terra said, " You know it's hard to to see someone hurt so much in giving up their child, knowing that that decision will bring so much joy."

I have four wonderful childern that if I could take their pain away I would in a second. I wonder if  that kind of love ever really changes if you have your own baby, or if you marry into a family where children so desperately need a mother. I don't think it does.

May 18, 2011