Sunday, August 28, 2011


I'm sitting here tonight listening to Christmas music. It is "The Forgotten Carols." It just helps me stay focused in this crazy world. There is so much always going on all around me such as things in the news, things on television, or errands that need to be taken care of. When I'm able to listen to something like The Forgotten Carols it reminds me of who I need to be focused on.

Neill comes home tomorrow and I am so excited. Everytime he comes home we go to the Temple together. That is one of the highlights for me is having him there with me. The kids will be up this weekend which is exciting. We havn't seen them for awhile and we've really missed them. They bring so much joy to our life.

I wish my dad could see me now. Neill and I are on the way to getting Sealed in the Temple, and I know he would be proud. The things that we do as a family should lead us to Christ. That is what is the most important. As the last song in "The Forgotton Carols" says "Arise and Shine Forth."

Neill and Emily

Dad and Emily

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I joined a gym here in Pocatello. I have a Personal Trainer for 6 weeks. I think I can take over after that. I am excited though. I do Water Aerobics in the evening, and walk on the tread mill in the morning. That has been my routine so far. Granted I've only been a member for 4 days. This is my goal however. When I do this I feel really good. I like how it makes me feel

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

" FInding Comfort In Christ"

Everyday life brings a new set of challenges or trials. Be it happy, sad, trying, or maybe just hard to deal with that day type of challenge. I know that all my nieces/ friends are grown up and have children of their own now on the Thomson side of the the family, and that my nieces on the Gee side of the family vary from  College, High School,  Junior HIgh, doing Rodeo, playing soccer, ect. Everyone at their stage of life is going to have some kind of challenge.

Why do I bring this up? I've had challenges of my own, but one of my sisters gave me a book when times were very hard. It was called Where Can I Turn For PEACE? Finding Comfort in Christ. Something that I learned in that book is something I wanted to write about in my BLOG.

In the book the authors talk about having a SHIELD with you. The authors tell us about 6 things we need to do to keep our SHIELD strong.

1.  Pray. Our Ultimate shild is Jesus Christ.
2.  Keep a high opinion of oursleves. We are the offspring of God. He is our Father.
3.  Don't look back--look forward. We have come to Christ; we have repented of our 
     sins; and we have been forgiven.   
4.  Rememeber that God will give us experience for our good.
5.  Know that all good omes from the Lord--and all wickedness come form the devil.
6.  Forgive others and be forgiven. 

As I read those six things that would help me have a strong SHIELD the one item that kept coming back to me is Don't look back--look forward. That is something that I have started to do, and it helps me get  through challenges and trials as small as they may be. Keep looking forward not back. The other thing that has got me through tough times is Prayer.

I haven't written in awhile, but for some reason I just felt that I needed to write in my BLOG about this book and how  we just need to remember that our Ulitimate Shield is our Savior.
