Monday, October 3, 2011


Neill has come home from North Dakota. Things there were very hard and stressful for him, and very stressful for me being here in Pocatello. We had to take a look at our life and decide if making a lot of money was worth being apartfrom each other.  As we had this decision to make the money wasn't worth it. Many times in my life as well I have similar decisions to make. Basically it comes down to "what will I get out of it in the end. Will it be worth it?"

I know that being a subsititute teacher has been a difficult thing for me to do. I'm used to having my own classroom, and not traveling to different classrooms every day. However, I am willing to do this because of the "Pay Off." The "Pay Off" is having my husband home with me. To me that is one of the things my Heavenly Father wants of Neill and I, and that is to be together and not apart from each other.
The Majestice Beauty of Our Heavenly Father

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